What is this site about?An explanation for the accidental visitor.Well hello!
In my spare time I like to teach, research, perform classic works and generally study art and other topics prior to 1600. I focuses on research for teaching and sharing. I also enjoy playing with amber and bardic work. Why? I find it fun to research for the sake of it and sharing what I learn is a natural part of who I am. My time is purely donated, my work shared here in hopes it could be of entertainment or research help to any who stumble on it. Knowledge should be shared freely. This is my hobby. I also find that in keeping up to date with my research, public speaking skills and giving service I am a better person. Can I hire you to teach or perform? No. This is not a for profit endeavor. If the setting is educational I may be able to volunteer my time and service to help you. Why Agnes? I use Agnes Marie de Calais as a "stage name" to separate this educational work from my professional work and it is a more medieval sounding name. What is the SCA you keep talking about? The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities. From https://socsen.sca.org/what-is-the-sca/ Why do you work with them? It gives me a place to share my love of research, art, art history and spoken word performance and teaching just for the joy of teaching. Again this is all volunteer. Even my time and maintenance of this site. |
Who is Agnes?
I am a researcher and sharer of stories. My persona is that. of a wool merchant's wife in Calais in 1560 onward. Agnes was born in Florence but married into another trade family to secure tires. Who I am? I delight in researching and sharing about a variety of topics. I also enjoy researching random obscure topics and specific museum pieces of all kinds. What has she done in the SCA?
I first joined the SCA in the early 2000's. In recent years I have been sharing my love for research through projects, writing, non-traditional documentation and non-scholarly writing, bardic interests, retaining, serving when and where needed. I also have taught, run bardic circles and judged. I am a bard who loves to research, perform, serve and share. Where is she from? The Shire of Quintavia ( also known as Massachusetts) is her home. |
On Teaching-
Teaching both youth and adults is also an important piece of who I am. Ask me about research and I am happy to share. This site holds handouts for most of my classes, as well as one of the many online classes I have given since Spring 2020. You will also find resources both recorded and Print for youth. If you are having an event and would like me to teach any thing here or another topic you think I could help on please let me know. |